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Tracking Device Server GT06N Server

Tracking Device Server GT06N Server

The best server for the GT06N tracking device and other devices, as it supports more than 150 different types of tracking and locating devices and contains many exclusive features that enable you to track all types of vehicles and manage users with ease and at competitive prices! To order, contact us on WhatsApp: +966570960313 or Trkify@Trkify Telegram Features of the GT06N Server The server contains many features, the most notable of which are: You may also like: How to connect to the GT06N Server The method to connect to the GT06N Server is very easy and takes only 5 minutes, follow the following steps: Technical specifications for the GT06N device GNSS Positioning system GPS+BDS+LBS Positioning accuracy<2.5m CEP Tracking sensitivity -165dBm Acquisition sensitivity -148dBm TTFF (open sky) Avg. hot start ≤1sec Avg. cold start ≤32sec Cellular Communication network GSM Frequency Quad-band 850/900/1800/1900 MHz Power Battery 450mAh/3.7V industrial-grade Li-Polymer battery Input voltage 9-36VDC Interface LED indication GNSS (Blue), Cellular (Green) , Power (Red) SIM Standard-SIM Data storage 32+32Mb Digital inputs ACC, SOS, input Digital outputs Relay, output Physical specification Dimensions 105.8 x 54.5 x 16.4mm Weight 96g Operating environment Operating temperature –20℃ to +70℃ Operating humidity 5%~95%, non-condensing Feature Voice monitoring range ≤5 meters Sensors Accelerometer Scenarios Vehicle movement alert, Over-speed alert, Geo-fence, Voice monitoring, Power supply disconnection GT06N Specifications To order, contact us on WhatsApp: +966570960313 or Telegram Trkify @
SMS Commands GT06N Vehicle Tracking Device Activation Codes

SMS Commands GT06N Vehicle Tracking Device Activation Codes

To activate and program various devices and obtain the tracking program, contact us on WhatsApp: +966570960313 Telegram: @Trkify Commands and codes for checking and inquiring GT06N Query SMS Commands No. Function Command/Code Response Explanation 1 Check GT06N firmware version VERSION# eg[VERSION]GT06B_10_8MM_B25_V11_LA [BUILD]2013/01/04 17:45 2 Check GT06N parameters PARAM# egGPS report on time interval:IMEI:868120103643505;TIMER:20,20; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;TimeZone:E,8,0; GPS report on distance interval:IMEI:868120103643505;Distance:200; SENDS:5; SOS:13730454825,,;Center Number:;Sensorset:10,1,5,1; Defense time:10;TimeZone:E,8,0; 3 Query GT06N network setting GPRSSET# egGPRS:ON; APN:CMNET,,;Server:1,,8841,0;URL:; 4 Check GT06N status STATUS# egBattery:3.41V,Battery too low! Warning; GPRS:Link Up; GSM SignalLevel:Strong; GPS:Successful positioning, SVS Used in fix:10(11),GPS Signal Level:32,31,32,31,28,29,29,36,32,33; ACC:OFF;Defense:OFF 5 Check position status WHERE# egCurrent position!Lat:N22.577156,Lon:E113.916748,Course:0.00,Speed:0.00Km/h,DateTime:2013-01-08 17:35: 32 6 Check URL URL# eg<01-0817:36>,E113.916748 7 Check position POSITION#OR123 egGPS located: <01-0817:36>http://maps,E113.916748GPS not located: GPS not fixed, please wait for a while, and then try again.   8 Check geo fence status FENCE#egFenceType:Circle, ON, Latitude:N22.577091,Longitude:E113.916748, radius:600m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1FenceType:Circle, OFF, Latitude:0.000000, Longitude :0.000000,radius:0m, in out:IN or OUT, alarm type:1 9 Check moving status MOVING# egMoving Switch:OFF; Radius:300m; Alarm type:1 Moving Switch:ON; Lat:N22.577080; Color:E113.916794; Radius:300m;Alarm type:1 GT06N Query SMS Commands Related links: GT06N Settings SMS Commands No. Function Command/Code Response Explanation GT06N SETTING CLASS 1 Set APN APN, [apnname]#ORAPN, [apnname],[user],[pwd]# Close automatic APN and set by yourself. APN# Check the current APN parameters. 2 Set automatic APN ASETAPN, [X]# X=ON/OFF;ON: open automatic APN;OFF: close automatic APN. ASETAPN# Check automatic APN status 3 Set server parameters SERVER,mode,domainName/IP,port,protocol# eg: SERVER,1,,8011,0#SERVER,0,,8011,0#mode = 1 means set with domain namemode = 0 means set with ip address protocol = 0 means connect server with TCP protocolprotocol = 1 means connect server with UDP protocol SERVER# Check the current sever parameters 4 Set GMT parameter For GT06N GMT,[A],[b],[C]# A:E or W;”E” means eastern time zone , “W” means western time zone;default:EB:0~12;time zone default:8C:0/15/30/45;half time zone;default:0 GMT# Check the current time zone parameters 5 Restore GT06N to factory FACTORY# Restore to factory setting 6 Edit URL EURL,network links# set the network links for latitude and longitude, default: EURL# Check the current URL 7 GPRS switch GPRSON,X# current GPRS status 0 Reboot GT1N RESET# The device would reboot in 1S after receiving the command. 9 GPRS blocking alarm GPRSALM,X# phone number. SOS,D,[sequence number 1][, sequence number 2][, ​​sequence number 3]# Delete the phone number according to the sequence number. SOS,[D],[phone number]# Delete the matching SOS phone number. SOS# Check the SOS phone number. 11 Center phone number setting CENTER, A, [phone number]# Add center phone number. CENTER, D# Delete center phone number. CENTER# Check the center phone number. 12 Heartbeat interval setting HBT,[T1],[T2]# T1 ranges 1~19(minutes), heartbeat package upload interval when ACC ON; default is 3;T2 ranges 1~19 (minutes), heartbeat packet upload interval when ACC OFF; default is 5; HBT# Check the current parameters of T1 and T2. 13 Set GPS data sending interval TIMER,[T1],[T2]# T1 ranges 5~18000 or 0(seconds), upload interval when ACC ON, 0 means no upload, default is 10;T2 ranges 5~18000 (seconds) , upload interval when ACC OFF, default is 10; TIMER# Check the current parameters of T1 and T2. 14 Set distance interval of GPS data sending DISTANCE,[D]# D ranges 50~10000 or 0(meters), distance interval, default is 300; DISTANCE# Check the current distance interval. 15 Set the angle upload ANGLEREP,[X][,A][,B]# detecting time, default: 5 seconds, ANGLEREP,OFF# Close the angle upload. ANGLEREP# Check the angle upload status and its parameters. 16 Set the upload for ACC status change ACCREP,[A]# A=ON/OFF, upload for ACC status change, default: ON ACCREP# Check the upload for ACC status change. 17 Set the GPS data sending batch BATCH,[A][,N]# A= A=ON/OFF, data sending batch function on or off, default:OFFN=1~50, N means the number of messages in the batch , default:10; BATCH# Check the number of messages in a batch. 18 Set the delay of the defense DEFENSE,[A]# A= 1~60 (minutes), delay of the defense, default:10 (minutes). DEFENSE# Check the parameters of the defense. 19 Set vibration sensor detecting time SENSOR, ,[,B][,C]# A=10-300 seconds,detecting time. Default: 10 secondsB-10-300 seconds, alert delay. Deault:180 seconds C=1-3000 minutes, vibration alert interval. Default: 30 minutesSENSOR# Check the parameter of the status 20 Set the GPS controlled time by sensor SENDS,[A]# A=0-300(minute), time duration for GPS to work once vibration detected, 0 means GPS always on work , default: 5(minute) SENDS# Check the parameters of the time. 21 Disarm DSRESET# DSRESET# Cancel the current Arm status 22 Clear the backup data CLEAR# 23 Set the static data filtering SF,[A][,B]# A=ON/OFF;static drift filtering switch;default: ONB=10 -1000(m);maximal filtering distance;default: 100(m);SF# Check the parameters. 24 Set the petrol/electricity control RELAY,[A]# A=0/1;0 means connection, 1 means cut off;default: 0. RELAY# Check the status of the control.
Tracking companies approved by the Food Authority to measure temperatures

Tracking companies approved by the Food Authority to measure temperatures

We provide you with price offers for a temperature tracking and measuring device from several companies, compare and choose the best! اطلب عرض سعر الآن قائمة شركات التتبع المعتمدة في هيئة الغذاء والدواء لتقديم خدمة إدارة وتتبع درجات الحرارة والرطوبة اسم المنشاة البريد الالكتروني الموقع الرسمي رقم التواصل مؤسسة المتعقب الذكي للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 563084690 اكسبريس لتقنية المعلومات 920001668 شركة أنظمة التتبع لتقنية المعلومات 920010106 الشركة المتقدمة التقنية اللاسلكية المحدودة 920035044 شركة ريادة وأعمال لتقنية المعلومات (بترواب) 920002621 سهل المدار 966112839400 شركة نبراس المنار للاتصالات والتقنية المعلومات 505825261 شركة حلول الاعمال المتقدمة لتقنية المعلومات 920033583 مؤسسة آفاق الجودة للتحقق 966562193481 مؤسسة الاسطورة الرقمية للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 920013450 الشركة السعودية التنفيذية للتجارة 504689012 شركة أنظمة الأبعاد المحدودة 966114055220 شركة موجة الشعاع للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 920003281 شركة الوسائل المتعددة 920015111 شركة الركين للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 966112056005 مؤسسة مطابقة الجودة الكاملة للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 966533006122 شركة حلول الاماكن لتقنية المعلومات 966555740471 شركة الطريق الآمن لتكنولوجيا المعلومات المحدودة 920005982 شركه الطيف الماسية للأجهزة العلمية والمختبرات 966540690975 الشركة السعودية لتتبع المركبات 920022390 الشركة السعودية التنفيذية للتجارة 504689012 شركة أنظمة الأبعاد المحدودة 966114055220 شركة موجة الشعاع للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 920003281 شركة الوسائل المتعددة 920015111 شركة الركين للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 966112056005 مؤسسة مطابقة الجودة الكاملة للاتصالات وتقنية المعلومات 966533006122 شركة حلول الاماكن لتقنية المعلومات 966555740471 شركة الطريق الآمن لتكنولوجيا المعلومات المحدودة 920005982 شركه الطيف الماسية للأجهزة العلمية والمختبرات 966540690975 الشركة السعودية لتتبع المركبات 920022390 شركة أفاقي لتقنية المعلومات 920010519 مؤسسة جبال لتقنية المعلومات 920025202 شركات التتبع المعتمدة في هيئة الغذاء والدواء إعلان هيئة الغذاء والدواء عن خدمة إدارة وتتبع درجات الحرارة والرطوبة بتاريخ 2020-08-02 أطلقت هيئة الغذاء والدواء خدمة تتبُّع وقياس درجات الحرارة والرطوبة لمركبات ومستودعات الغذاء والدواء عبر منصة وصل”, التي تأتي نتاجًا للشراكة الناجحة بين الهيئة العامة للنقل والهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء، وتتمثل في تفعيل نظامٍ إلكتروني دقيق لمتابعة ومراقبة درجات الحرارة ونسبة الرطوبة في وسائل نقل الأغذية والأدوية والمنشآت المخصصة للتخزين. The launch took place in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Health, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Food and Drug Authority, Dr. Tawfiq bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah, His Excellency the Minister of Transport, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Transport, Engineer Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser, His Excellency the Chairman of the General Authority for Transport, Dr. Rumaih bin Muhammad Al-Rumaih, and His Excellency the CEO of the General Authority. For Food and Medicine, Dr. Hisham bin Saad Al-Jadhaei. Dr. Al-Rabiah explained that the development of such precise technical systems aims to ensure that facilities subject to the supervision of the Food and Drug Authority and their transport vehicles adhere to the technical requirements and regulations related to transportation and storage, noting that the temperature and humidity monitoring system will, starting today, be linked to the “wasl” electronic platforms. and “Bayan” of the General Authority for Transport, explaining that all transport and storage operations will be subject to close follow-up in order to achieve everyone’s efforts to control these activities in the interest of human health and to ensure that transporters and storage facility operators adhere to all international health standards approved in this vital aspect, and in a way that contributes to Improving the safety guarantees of food and pharmaceutical products, applying the highest international specifications and standards in the field of the Internet of Things, and establishing levels appropriate to human health. His Excellency praised the successful partnership between the Ministries of Health and Transport, the Food Authority and the Transport Authority, stressing the role of such partnerships in enhancing integration between government agencies, especially in the supervisory and regulatory aspects, with the opportunities that such technical projects provide for national civil institutions to compete in providing the best services after taking into account All health requirements and controls. He also praised the efforts of the employees of the Food and Drug Authority and the General Transport Authority, which led to the completion of the project and preparing it to reap the positive fruits starting from the date of its expanded implementation. For his part, His Excellency the Minister of Transport explained that the services provided by the General Transport Authority in terms of oversight and quality control come in response to existing vital needs and are sufficient to advance transport activities and logistical services of all types, as today there will be reliable digital oversight linked to achieving the highest safety standards in transporting matters related to human health. And its food, as the electronic system allows the process of tracking trucks loaded with food and medicine as they travel on the Kingdom’s roads, which contributes to raising the level of safety in this sector, and controlling quality and control through the management of transportation operations, in addition to enabling the Food and Drug General Authority to control and monitor this activity electronically to raise The quality, safety, and safety of transportation and storage operations, to contribute to the quality of control and ensure the quality and safety of the products that fall under the supervision of the Authority. His Excellency praised the integration between the employees of the Transport Authority and the Food Authority, so that these blessed efforts are consistent with their tasks and specializations in the field of enhancing control and supervision of supply chains and logistics in general, and the transportation, storage and distribution operations involved in activities subject to the supervision of the Food and Drug Authority, through data exchange and automation of procedures. In his speech, he indicated that all this development will reflect positively on everyone’s endeavor to advance specialized transportation activities and highly efficient logistics.
Conditions of the transport authority for educational transport vehicles

Conditions of the transport authority for educational transport vehicles

M. Fallata
The regulation regulating the educational transport activity issued by the Public Transport Authority, which will enter into force on the first of next December, requires the provision of an electronic screen, for the purpose of displaying the data of the carrier, the driver, the bus, the number of the operating card for the bus, contact numbers for reporting lost and complaints, the flight path, the destination, the time remaining for arrival, etc. Bus equipment service, monitoring driver behavior while driving or when there is a traffic accident or report, and the camera should work immediately after the bus is running and throughout its operation. Get several quotes from tracking companies approved by the Ministry of Transport. Order now or contact us on: 0570960313 The Authority explained in the guide for practicing the educational transportation activity that the second phase will be applied starting from June 22 next year 2023, and indicated that the conditions for vehicles allowed to operate in practicing the activity are cars, whose seats are not less than 7 and not more than 9, provided that their age does not exceed 5 years from the year of manufacture, and also includes small buses, whose capacity does not exceed 15 passengers, provided that their age does not exceed 10 years from the year of manufacture, and large buses whose capacity exceeds 15 passengers, provided that their age does not exceed 10 years from the year of manufacture, and stipulated that the type of bus or car registration be "public transport" or "public bus", and that the technical specifications and equipment inside the vehicle be applied in the regulation organizing the activity. The following are the specifications and technical conditions for school transportation vehicles according to what was stated on the Authority's website: First: Technical specifications for buses and the necessary safety requirements for school transportation buses: Taking into account the conformity procedures based on the relevant standard specifications And approved by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, and the provisions of the regulations governing the educational transportation activity. The specifications of educational transport buses operating in the educational transport activity must be as follows: 1- The total length must not exceed (12.50) meters, the total width must not exceed (2.6) meters, and the total height must not exceed (4.50) meters. 2- The vehicle used in mountainous or sandy areas must be equipped with a four-wheel drive system. 3- The type of bus registration must be public transport or a public bus, except for the vehicle used by the licensee in the government educational transport system. 4- The number of car seats shall not be less than (7) and not more than (9) seats. 5- The number of seats on the bus should not be less than (10), including the driver’s seat. The bus is divided into two types: - The minibus: whose capacity does not exceed (10) passengers. Big bus: which has a capacity of more than (10) passengers. 6- The bus must be equipped with an air conditioning system (hot/cold) that works with high efficiency. 7- The presence of an emergency exit on large buses designated for educational and specialized transportation. 8- The floor of the bus lanes shall be made or covered with a material that prevents slipping. 9 - That none of the internal or external parts of the bus constitute a danger to the passengers. 10- The presence of a ring installed in the chassis of the large bus (chassis) from the front, for the possibility of towing it in the event of its breakdown. 11- Ensure the availability and validity of the necessary safety tools and requirements in the vehicle: - Fire extinguishers that are proportional in number and size to the type of vehicle and supplied with them by the manufacturer. - first aid kit. Fire blankets. Safety triangle. Spare tire. - Manual winch, wheel wrench and quick repair kit. – A tool to break the glass from the inside when needed, which is supplied with the bus from the manufacturer. – Safety vest with reflective strips for the driver. And facilities, if any. Second: General technical conditions and equipment for educational and specialized transport vehicles (buses). Cars: A- Installing a sign or placing a no-smoking sign inside the vehicle. b- The specified maximum speed sign shall be displayed on the back of the bus. C- Providing auxiliary handles for boarding and descending installed on the bus doors. This excludes buses with sliding doors. D- A sign (School Bus) shall be available in reflective color on the sides and back of the bus. E- Writing the bus number of the carrier on the front and back of the bus. f- Writing the telephone number of the customer service call center of the establishment or educational institution on the back of the bus. G- Providing an audio system inside the bus to announce or speak to passengers. H- Providing a tracking system (AVL Tracking System). It allows real-time tracking of the vehicle throughout the day, so that the system has the following data and capabilities: 1- Accurately determining the location of the vehicle, whether it is moving or stationary, with a transmission rate according to the following variables: - If the vehicle is moving, the transmission time is every (30) thirty seconds maximum. Or after the vehicle has traveled a distance of 20 twenty metres, whichever is sooner. In the event of a turn at an angle of (45) forty-five degrees or more, the transmission time shall be every (5) five seconds. – If the vehicle is stationary and in running mode, the transmission time is every (5) five minutes. 2- The ability to send an alert in the event of a system failure, or the inability to send tracking data immediately after transmission is interrupted. 3- Store the location and track data in the event of a network connection failure and re-transmit it as soon as the connection is restored. 4- Determine the speed of the vehicle during the operating and driving period. 5- Determine the number of stops. The time of the stopping period and the duration of each period. 6- Determine the total number of driving hours for a vehicle for a specific period. 7- Determine the status of the tracking device in the vehicle (good when moving). (Sound when movement stops). (Incorrect if it is out of coverage - disabled). 8- Save the vehicle’s routes and movements for a minimum of six months. With the possibility of the Authority accessing it upon request, with the ability to review the entire itinerary according to the specified time and date. 9- Sending an alert in case of tampering with any of the system components or tampering with the transmitted data. 10- Sending an alert in the event of a vehicle traffic accident. Third: Conditions and special technical equipment for educational and specialized transport buses: A. Minibus (with a capacity not exceeding 10 passengers): 1- The general technical conditions and equipment mentioned in Clause (Second) apply. 2- The bus must be equipped with frequent stop signs at the back. 3- Providing (1) electronic screen measuring (16) inches. For the purpose of displaying the data of the carrier, the driver, the bus, the bus operating card number, contact numbers for reporting lost items and complaints, the trip route, destination, time remaining to arrive, etc. It is installed and fixed in the middle directly behind the front seats on the roof of the bus from the inside and directed towards the passengers. The following must be taken into account: (Support for Arabic and English languages, screen resolution of at least 480,800 dpi, memory capacity of at least 32 GB, containing at least one USB outlet, and withstanding high temperatures (up to 80 degrees Celsius).
The most common types of car tracking devices 2024

The most common types of car tracking devices 2024

M. Fallata
In this article, we will review three common types of vehicle tracking devices: wired trackers, wireless trackers, and OBD trackers.
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