Ministry of Transport approved tracking device operating card

Installing a tracking device for the Ministry of Transport
950 riyals

Installing a tracking device for the Ministry of Transport

Specialists in Installing a tracking device for the Ministry of Transport Approved to issue operating cards for all types of vehicles, including linking with the Wasl platform. We provide installation and technical support in several regions - Riyadh, Dammam, Tabuk, Buraidah, Medina, Khamis Mushait, Jazan. With the possibility of installation in different regions

Integrated service:

We provide you with a tracking device + weight sensor + installation + connection with the transportation authority + a distinctive tracking program to track the vehicle on the mobile, from the desktop, and from anywhere around the clock

Features of the tracking device and program:

Live tracking from mobile - storing routes - alerts when exceeding speed - monitoring weight - ability to set zones and receive alerts when entering and exiting

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